Friday, April 13, 2012

Lawrence & Memorial Seeks a Relationship With Westerly Hospital: Good for Patients?

Following a national trend of hospitals consolidating under one umbrella, L & M Hospital in New London, Connecticut, has been attempting to form a relationship with Westerly Hospital. Westerly Hospital is located in Westerly Rhode Island. According to the New London Day, Westerly hospital and its satellite North Stonington Health Center have faced financial challenges of late.

Similar consolidation is being seen in New Haven, Connecticut, where Yale New Haven Hospital has purchased other health care facilities and is bringing doctors who were previously in private practice under the Yale/New Haven Hospital umbrella.

The question no one seems to be asking is: Is this trend toward consolidated medical care good for the patient? Clearly it is good for the hospitals and doctors, or they would not be doing it. As a general rule, we favor competition. Having two hospitals within blocks or miles of each other gives the patient some choice and a motivation for each hospital to give better care. Once there is only one hospital, regardless of the name, will the quality of care improve?
For more information on the L & M/ Westerly Hospital merger see:
Michael Quinn, Esq.